
front cover of nh primary brief showing Carsey logo, title, key findings, pie chart, and text
Large Pool of New Voters Could Add Volatility to New Hampshire Primary
January 17, 2024
In this brief, authors Kenneth Johnson, Andrew Smith, and Dante Scala note a greater likelihood of volatility in the New Hampshire primary because there will be many new faces among the voters who flock to the polls on January 23.
cover of printed report showing title, photos of NH youth working, and carsey logo
“Hyperlocal” Career Pathway Programs in New Hampshire
January 11, 2024
In this report, author Jayson Seaman reports that cross-sector partnerships are playing a critical role in helping New Hampshire youth transition into postsecondary education and work. The partnerships work best when they involve collaboration and flexibility and provide exposure to career roles and hands-on practice with key skills.
front page of pdf version of brief including text and figure
Latest Data Show All New England States Are Gaining Population
December 20, 2023
In this brief, Senior Demographer Kenneth Johnson reports that population gains were widespread in New England last year, according to new Census Bureau estimates.
cover of report showing title, image of condos and solar panels, and NYCEEC, UNH, and HSBC logos
Practitioners' Guide to Community Lending for a Just and Equitable Energy Transition
December 15, 2023
In this guide, authors Curtis Probst, Tina Poole Johnson, and Hannah Vargason share a collection of key resources and references that provide an entry point to clean energy finance for community lending practitioners and to community development finance for green lenders.
front page of pdf document showing publication title, key findings, text, and figure
More U.S. Women of Childbearing Age, but Fewer Have Given Birth
December 11, 2023
In this brief, Senior Demographer Kenneth Johnson reports that, in 2022, there were 4.7 million more childless women of prime child-bearing age in the United States than would have been expected given fertility patterns prior to the Great Recession, up from 2.1 million in 2016.
cover of pdf version of brief showing masthead, title, key findings, and text
Recent Demographic Trends Have Implications for Rural Health Care
November 16, 2023
In this brief, Senior Demographer Kenneth Johnson reports that nonmetropolitan (rural) America gained population between April of 2020 and July of 2022. In the preceding decade, rural areas lost population, both because more people left rural areas than moved to them and because births just minimally exceeded deaths.
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Migration Sustains New Hampshire’s Population Gain
October 30, 2023
New Hampshire’s demographic future depends heavily on migration. The state’s population continued to grow in 2021 and 2022 because a migration gain of 18,300 was enough to offset the excess of deaths over births.
image of front cover of brief showing title, text, map, and key findings
A Descriptive Study of Covid-Era Movers to the Northern Forest Region
August 9, 2023
The Northern Forest—a 34-county swath of northern Maine, New Hampshire, Vermont, and New York—saw an increase in domestic migration during the pandemic, with 85 percent of the region’s counties experiencing domestic in-migration gains between 2020 and 2021, compared with 63 percent of counties in the rest of the United States.
cover of white paper showing title, logos, a faded image of houses, author, and funder
Advancing Decarbonization in Regulated Multifamily Affordable Housing
August 2, 2023
The policy levers contained in this working paper outline a series of steps that can be taken to advance decarbonization today, create sustainable systems change, and climate align housing for our future.
image of data snapshot cover with text and bar chart
New Englanders’ Use of Child Care Varies by Income, Even Among Working Households
July 20, 2023
In this data snapshot, author Jess Carson reports that data from the U.S. Census Bureau collected between January and May 2023 show that access to child care remains uneven.
image of cover page of data snapshot showing text and bar graph
New England Households Rely on a Mix of Child Care Arrangements
July 12, 2023
In this data snapshot, author Jess Carson reports that data collected by the U.S. Census Bureau between January and May 2023 show that 70 percent of New England households with a child under five use child care, and more than one-third of those rely on multiple arrangements.
image of front page of printed version of data snapshot showing title, text, image of map
Three Years of Record High Mortality and Low Fertility Leave Many States with More Deaths than Births
June 27, 2023
In this data snapshot, Senior Demographer Kenneth Johnson reports that with Covid-induced mortality at record highs and continuing low fertility during the past three years, U.S. births exceeded deaths by the smallest margin in more than a century.
image of cover page showing line graph upward direction
A Path to Conventional Equity for CDFIs
June 26, 2023
In this report designed to serve the Community Development Financial Institution (CDFI) sector, authors Charles Tansey and Michael Swack describe a step-by-step blueprint for accessing private equity in Stage One and conventional equity in the public market in Stage Two through participating CDFIs.
image of print version of data snapshot with text and figure
U.S. Births Remain Near 40-Year Low for Third Consecutive Year
June 5, 2023
In this data snapshot, Senior Demographer Kenneth Johnson reports that recent National Center for Health Statistics birth data indicate there were only 3,661,000 births in 2022, compared to 3,664,000 in 2021, and just 3,614,000 in 2020. These three birth cohorts are the smallest in 40 years and continue a birth decline that began in the era of the Great Recession.
image of front page of printed publication
Permanent Supportive Housing as a Solution to Homelessness
May 23, 2023
In this perspectives brief, author Antonio Serna examines both the successful strategies and the challenges faced in implementing permanent supportive housing (PSH) in Massachusetts in the hope that these lessons will further PSH as a solution in other settings.
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Aligning Investments to Improve Population Health
May 15, 2023
In this report, authors Michael Swack, Sarah Boege, and Kevin Barnett discuss the initiative to develop a statewide strategy to address the social determinants of health in New Hampshire.
cover of retaining new hampshire residents brief
Retaining Residents Is Important to New Hampshire’s Future
May 11, 2023
In this brief, authors Kristine Bundschuh and Kenneth Johnson discuss the results of NH Granite State Polls conducted from 2010–2012 and 2018–2019 that asked a representative sample of over 3,300 established residents to share, in their own words, their top three reasons for staying in New Hampshire rather than moving to another state.
image of car on winding road with mountains in background
On The Road Lending Program Evaluation
April 19, 2023
In this report, Michael Swack, Jolan Rivera, and Sanjeev Sharma discuss the results of the On The Road Lending program evaluation.
image of print version of data snapshot
Population Gains Widespread in New Hampshire Counties Due to Migration
April 6, 2023
In this data snapshot, Senior Demographer Kenneth Johnson reports that the population of New Hampshire grew by 17,700 to 1,395,000 between April 2020, when the 2020 Census was conducted, and July 2022, according to new Census Bureau estimates. These population gains were widespread, occurring in each of the state’s ten counties despite deaths exceeding births in nine of the ten counties.
image of first page of brief
New Census Data Reflect the Continuing Impact of Covid on U.S. Demographic Trends
March 31, 2023
In this brief, Senior Demographer Kenneth Johnson reports that, according to recent Census Bureau estimates, the U.S. population has grown at the slowest rate in history in the past two years due to the impact of Covid.