Community Capstone Project

  • Photo of Charlene Higgins, an alumni of the Carsey School, while working on her community capstone project
A photo of Charlene Higgins, a graduate of the Carsey School of Public Policy

Charlene Higgins, '14, '18G

Current position: International Student Counselor, University of Rochester's College Center for Advising Services

Past positions: Program Coordinator, Partners for Andean Community Health; Regional Coordinator, Associates for Training & Development (A4TD)

Carsey Degree: Master in Community Development

"Share your learning with the community you are working with [and] learn from them and learn with them while co-creating knowledge and solutions."

Charlene Higgins '18G helps new American Farmers Cooperative farmers at a local farmer's market while working on her community capstone project.

While crops are grown, community and collaboration roots are developed for new Americans at the New American Farmers Cooperative in Manchester, New Hampshire. Charlene Higgins '18G helped this group of farmers reach their goal to increase their farm cooperative’s impact through her Master in Community Development degree capstone project with the Carsey School.

The New American Farmers Cooperative is a farm enterprise formed by immigrants to achieve shared goals of increased self-sufficiency, profitability and long-term farm sustainability. In partnership with these farmers, Higgins’ community capstone project provided technical assistance and training to help build capacity and address the need for effective co-op management and access to consistent, secure and profitable markets.

“The co-op farmers are [now] equipped with additional tools, skills and knowledge to help them successfully reach their self-defined goals within the co-op, and within their communities,” Higgins says. These tools include strategies to attract and retain community supported agriculture (CSA) members, establish wholesale accounts and launch a donation program where individuals can donate a CSA share to a local refugee family in need.

Through this work, Higgins says she sharpened her project management skills, expanded her theoretical framework and learned to think thoughtfully and intentionally about how theory informs practice. She also credits the capstone experience with strengthening her research skills and teaching her how to problem-solve both creatively and critically.

Higgins encourages future Carsey School Community Development graduate degree students to use their community capstone project experience to “…not only share your learning with the community you are working with but to learn from them and learn with them while co-creating knowledge and solutions.”

This article first appeared on UNH Today.

Schedule a Meeting or Phone Call

Have questions or want to discuss if the Master in Community Development program is right for you? Schedule a time for us to talk:
Robin Husslage, Program Manager

Have questions about admissions, tuition costs, or financial aid? 
Contact Sanjeev Sharma, Carsey Admissions & Academic Advisor


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