Dec4noon - 12:45 p.m., Join NH Listens for a 45-minute informative and interactive session aimed at sharing bite-sized tips and resources from our toolbox for community engagement and facilitation. This session on asking good questions discusses what it means to ask good questions as a facilitator and gain some practice refr a.m.ing questions for more constructive dialogue.
Dec118 a.m. - 9 a.m., Reducing Landlord/Tenant Split IncentivesWhy would a landlord invest in weatherization or energy efficiency upgrades, if tenants pay their electricity bills directly? The effects of this 'split incentive' (when one party pays, but another party benefits) are especially consequential in decades-old multif a.m.ily buildings that are a staple of affordable housing in New England cities and towns. Municipal leaders and community-based organizations are working with landlord owner-op...
Feb5noon - 12:45 p.m., Join NH Listens for a 45-minute informative and interactive session aimed at sharing bite-sized tips and resources from our toolbox for community engagement and facilitation. You don't have to do this work alone! When possible, call upon your co-facilitators to help each other host the dialogue or community event. Effective co-facilitation involves strong communication, planning, and nimbleness. This training on effective co-facilitation will share skills and tips for...
Feb12noon - 2:30 p.m., NH Listens' online Basic Facilitator Training provides an overall glimpse into facilitating public engagement. It is an introductory training for tips and practices on key facilitator concepts for facilitating online and in person, including drawing people in, managing productive conversations, and strengthening your skills as a facilitator.We welcome everyone no matter how little or how much you know about facilitation. We love it when there is a mix because it always...
Mar5noon - 12:45 p.m.