Say "Yes!" to Opportunity

Sarah Nadeau

Sarah Nadeau '19, '20G

Current position:  Account Executive, Spitfire Strategies

Past positions:  New Hampshire Field Assistant and National Investment Assistant for Pete Buttigieg for America; Field Organizer for Amy McGrath for Kentucky

Carsey Degree: Master in Public Policy

"Be eager to learn and discover what issue areas you are passionate about. Say 'Yes!' to every opportunity – you never know where it'll take you."

Can you share what your capstone and/or internship experience with the Carsey School was like?

My capstone project, titled "How Affordable Access to Assistive Technology Can Improve Labor Market Participation," provided the opportunity to research, analyze, and work with experts in this field to bring down the costs of technology for people with disabilities. This experience provided me the opportunity to enhance my policy analysis skills and develop a policy proposal that would help end this financial burden, which so many individuals face.

Can you describe your most valuable takeaway from your master's program?

The MPP program provided the opportunity to learn from experts in the public policy and political communications field. This program offered me the skills and training I needed to be a successful policy analyst, advisor, and strategist for politics and policy.

A photo of Sarah Nadeau standing with Pete and Chasten Buttigieg

What are some career goals you have for yourself?

I look forward to using my experience in campaigns, launching my career in political communications, and continuing to advocate and work on progressive policies on the national stage.

What advice do you have for people considering a graduate degree from the Carsey School?

Be eager to learn and discover what issue areas you are passionate about. As you learn from experts across the public policy field, continue to seek out opportunities to get involved.

Want to learn more about the Carsey School's new $5,000 education award available to graduates of The Washington Center program at UNH?

Visit our TWC Partnership webpage

Schedule a Meeting or Phone Call

Have questions or want to discuss if the Master in Public Policy program is right for you? Schedule a time for us to talk:
Robin Husslage, Program Manager

Have questions about admissions, tuition costs, or financial aid? 
Contact Sanjeev Sharma, Carsey Admissions & Academic Advisor

Discover the Washington, D.C., Colloquium

The Carsey School's Washington, D.C., Colloquium gives students front-row access to meetings with public policy institutions. Students learn about career paths across multiple sectors, discuss the current policy landscape, and connect with working professionals for networking and career building opportunities.