UNH Graduate Certificates

UNH Graduate Certificates
student in class writing in a notebook


Earning a graduate certificate can help advance your skillsets and accelerate your career, giving you the edge to compete in today's job market. The University of New Hampshire offers a wide range of graduate-level certificates that you can earn alone or while simultaneously completing a graduate degree at the Carsey School.

Use the arrows on the image below to navigate through the graduate certificates.

  • students in a child welfare course

    Child Welfare Graduate Certificate

    When combined with a Carsey School master's degree program, the Child Welfare Graduate Certificate program expands career pathways in public child welfare and will aid in increasing valuable resources toward supporting children and families vulnerable to child abuse and neglect.

    The four graduate certificate courses will replace degree requirements in your master's program as follows:

    Master in Community Development (MCD)
    • Three Child Welfare Graduate Certificate courses will be substituted for all three of the MCD elective courses. Students will need to take one additional Child Welfare Graduate Certificate course to fulfill the Certificate's course requirement.
    Master of Public Administration (MPA)
    • Four Child Welfare Graduate Certificate Courses will be substituted for four of the elective MPA courses.
    • For the Executive MPA program, three Child Welfare Graduate Certificate Courses will be substituted for all three of the Executive MPA elective courses. Students will need to take one additional Child Welfare Graduate Certificate course to fulfill the Certificate's course requirement.
    Master in Public Policy (MPP)
    • SW 860 (an elective in the Graduate Certificate program) will be substituted for one of two MPP courses for the MPP's Policy Analysis Track.
    • Two of the required and one of the elective Graduate Certificate courses will be substituted for three of the four elective courses required in the MPP program.
  • students restoring sand dune

    Citizen and Community Science Graduate Certificate

    When combined with a Carsey School master's degree program, the Citizen and Community Science Graduate Certificate program expands the opportunities for students and professionals to develop competencies supporting authentic citizen and community science, preparing graduates for a range of careers within a variety of organizations.

    The five graduate certificate courses will replace degree requirements in your master's program as follows:

    Master in Community Development (MCD)
    • GRAD 834, MARI 801 (taken twice), and MARI 901 courses will be substituted for two of the MCD elective courses. One course from the Certificate's approved elective course list will be substituted for the third MCD elective course. Students will need to take one additional Citizen and Community Science Graduate Certificate course to fulfill the Certificate's course requirements.
    Master of Public Administration (MPA)
    • GRAD 834, MARI 801 (taken twice), and MARI 901 courses will be substituted for two of the MPA elective courses. One course from the Certificate's approved elective course list of natural science, social science, or engineering electives will be substituted for a third MPA elective course. MPA course PA 804 can be chosen to fulfill the Certificate's resource management elective course requirement.
    Master in Public Policy (MPP)
    • GRAD 834, MARI 801 (taken twice), and MARI 901 will be substituted for two of the MPP elective courses. MPP's required course PPOL 904 or PPOL 908 can be chosen to fulfill the Certificate's natural science, social science, or engineering elective requirement or another course can be chosen from the Certificate's approved list which will be substituted for a third MPP elective course. MPP course PPOL 904 can be chosen to fulfill the Certificate's resource management elective course requirement.
  • people walking on the beach with the water in the background

    Coastal Policy Graduate Certificate

    When combined with a Carsey School master's degree program, the Coastal Policy Graduate Certificate program expands the opportunities for career pathways in coastal and marine policy, management, and applied science.

    The five graduate certificate courses will replace degree requirements in your master's program as follows:

    Master in Community Development (MCD)
    • MARI 801 (taken twice), MARI 805, and MARI 901 courses will be substituted for two fo the MCD elective courses. One course from the Certificate's approved list of natural science, social science, or engineering electives will be substituted for a third MCD elective course. MCD courses DPP 901 or DPP 911 can be chosen to fulfill the Certificate's policy elective course requirement.
    Master of Public Administration (MPA)
    • MARI 801 (taken twice), MARI 801, and MARI 901 courses will be substituted for two of the MPA elective courses. One course from the Certificate's approved elective course list of natural science, social science, or engineering electives will be substituted for a third MPA elective course. MPA courses PA 800 or PA 804 can be chosen to fulfill the Certificate's policy elective course requirement.
    Master in Public Policy (MPP)
    • MARI 801 (taken twice), MARI 805, and MARI 901 will be substituted for two of the MPP elective courses. MPP's required course PPOL 904 can be chosen to fulfill the Certificate's natural science, social science, or engineering elective requirement or another course can be chosen from the Certificate's approved list which will be substituted for a third MPP elective course. MPP courses PPOL 806, PPOL 812, PPOL 902, PPOL 904, or PPOL 910 can be chosen to fulfill the Certificate's policy elective course requirement.
  • Students in a data science course working together on computers

    Data Science Graduate Certificate

    When combined with a Carsey School master's degree program, the Data Science Graduate Certificate program expands student career pathways to make a greater impact within their organization and community with these advanced data analysis tools.

    The four graduate certificate courses will replace degree requirements in your master's program as follows:

    Master in Community Development (MCD)
    • Three Data Science Graduate Certificate courses will be substituted for all three of the MCD elective courses. Students will need to take one additional Data Science Graduate Certificate course to fulfill the Certificate's course requirements.
    Master of Public Administration (MPA)
    • DATA 800 will be substituted for the MPA's PA 805-Intro to Statistical Analysis course, fulfilling one of four basic core courses required in the MPA program.
    • DATA 820, DATA 821, and DATA 822 courses will be substituted for three of the elective MPA courses.
    Master in Public Policy (MPP)
    • DATA 800 will be substituted for the MPP's PPOL 908-Quantitative Methods for Policy Research course, fulfilling one of five core curriculum courses required in the MPP program.
    • DATA 820 and DATA 821 will be substituted for two MPP courses required for the MPP's Policy Analysis Track.
    • DATA 822 will be substituted for one of the four elective courses required in the MPP program.
  • woman sitting at a desk looking at data on a tablet

    Geospatial Science Graduate Certificate

    When combined with a Carsey School master's degree program, the Geospatial Science Graduate Certificate program expands student career pathways in the field of geospatial science to include a foundation in the collection, management, analysis, and visualization of spatial data related to the earth's surface.

    The five graduate certificate courses will replace degree requirements in your master's program as follows:

    Master in Community Development (MCD)
    • Three Geospatial Science Graduate Certificate courses will be substituted for all three of the MCD elective courses. Students will need to take two additional Geospatial Science Graduate Certificate courses to fulfill the Certificate's course requirements.
    Master of Public Administration (MPA)
    • SOC 901 should be chosen as the Certificate's Data Analysis course and will be substituted for MPA's PA 805-Introduction to Statistical Analysis course, fulfilling one of three advanced core courses required in the MPA program.
    • The four remaining Geospatial Science Graduate Certificate courses will be substituted for four of the elective MPA courses.
    • For the Executive MPA program, three Geospatial Science Graduate Certificate courses will be substituted for all three of the Executive MPA elective courses. Students will need to take two additional Geospatial Science Graduate Certificate courses to fulfill the Certificate's course requirements.
    Master in Public Policy (MPP)
    • SOC 901 should be chosen as the Certificate's Data Analysis course and will be substituted for MPP's PPOL 908-Quantitative Methods for Policy Research course, fulfilling one of five core curriculum courses required in the MPP program.
    • The four remaining Geospatial Science Graduate Certificate courses will fulfill all four elective courses required in the MPP program unless Certificate elective course(s) include qualifying data analysis curriculum content enabling them to be substituted for course(s) in the MPP's Policy Analysis Track.
  • Photo showing students and a professor in a health data science course.

    Health Data Science Graduate Certificate

    When combined with a Carsey School master's degree program, the Health Data Science Graduate Certificate program expands student career pathways in the field of public healthcare by improving their healthcare analytic skills, statistical and programming foundations, and the visualization and translation of healthcare data.

    The four graduate certificate courses will replace degree requirements in your master's program as follows:

    Master in Community Development (MCD)
    • Three Health Data Science Graduate Certificate courses will be substituted for all three of the MCD elective courses. Students will need to take one additional Health Data Science Graduate Certificate course to fulfill the Certificate's course requirements.
    Master of Public Administration (MPA)
    • HDS 800 will be substituted for the MPA's PA 805-Intro to Statistical Analysis course, fulfilling one of four basic core courses required in the MPA program.
    • HDS 801, HDS 802, and HDS 803 courses will be substituted for three of the elective MPA courses.
    Master in Public Policy (MPP)
    • HDS 800 will be substituted for the MPP's PPOL 908-Quantitative Methods for Policy Research course, fulfilling one of five core curriculum courses required in the MPP program.
    • HDS 801 and HDS 802 will be substituted for the two MPP courses required for the MPP's Policy Analysis Track.
  • Photo showing student and professor in a public health course looking at a screen.

    Public Health Graduate Certificate

    When combined with a Carsey School master's degree program, the Public Health Graduate Certificate program expands student career pathways in the public health or community health fields.

    The four graduate certificate courses will replace degree requirements in your master's program as follows:

    Master in Community Development (MCD)
    • Three Public Health Graduate Certificate courses will be substituted for three of the MCD elective courses. Students will need to take one additional Public Health Graduate Certificate course to fulfill the Certificate's course requirements.
    Master of Public Administration (MPA)
    • The four Public Health Graduate Certificate courses will be substituted for four of the elective MPA courses.
    • For the Executive MPA program, three Public Health Graduate Certificate courses will be substituted for all three of the Executive MPA elective courses. Students will need to take one additional Public Health Graduate Certificate course to fulfill the Certificate's course requirements.
    Master in Public Policy (MPP)
    • PHP 908-Public Health Policy should be chosen as the elective for the Graduate Certificate and fulfills one of the four elective courses required in the MPP program.
    • PHP 900, PHP 901, and PHP 996 Certificate courses will be substituted for the additional three of the four elective courses required in the MPP program.
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Have questions or want to discuss which one of the Carsey School's programs is right for you? Schedule a time for us to talk:

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Robin Husslage, Program Manager
Schedule an Appointment
Email: Robin.Husslage@unh.edu


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Contact Anne Kimball, Student Services Coordinator
Schedule an Appointment
Email: Anne.Kimball@unh.edu

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