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Carrie Portrie

Program Manager, NH Listens
Research Assistant Professor

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Carrie holds a bachelor’s degree in anthropology and sociology from Roger Williams University, a master’s degree from the University of New Hampshire in early childhood special education, and a PhD from UNH in education with a focus on children and youth in communities. Carrie traveled back to her hometown Dover, NH after several years out West teaching children in community settings. She has since spent her studies and career focused on community-based policies, learning, and engagement to understand how to construct and reconstruct systems that work for everyone and resist marginalizing people, especially in terms of race, social class, gender, and disability. Her work with New Hampshire Listens focuses on local conversations and learning exchanges (e.g., childhood lead poisoning, community needs in northern NH, substance misuse and harm reduction, early childhood education and care), school-based equity dialogues and facilitation, program evaluation, and coalition building. She is committed to frameworks that focus on collaborative inquiry, reflection, and iterative designs that create spaces for people to connect the ideologies of policy to the diverse realities of people’s lives.