Sustainable Solutions

Julia Vieira

Julia Vieira '19G

Current position: Planner with the Planning and Community Development Department, City of Manchester, NH
Description of job responsibilities: Assist in planning and operating community development programs. 
Carsey Degree: Master in Public Policy

"Carsey can offer students a very welcoming environment, in which professors and staff truly care about students, their interests, and their development."

Can you share what your capstone and/or internship experience with the Carsey School was like?

My research on the Guarani Aquifer tries to deepen the knowledge on the importance of the Guarani Aquifer for Brazil's development and how different management methods could be perceived by different groups. My aim was to show that there are different methods to manage groundwater use that have worked in other places but are not implemented in Brazil, and to understand how different groups perceived those methods.

Can you describe your most valuable takeaway from your master's program?

I feel that, summing up all the experiences I got through Carsey, I was able to really understand all the levels of government and how public policy and policy research can be applied in each level.

What are 1 or 2 career goals you have for yourself?

After Carsey, I value the importance of local and regional level government in advancing sustainable development outcomes much more. I believe my career will lean more towards policy research at those levels. In the future, I would like to work for an association that supports the interests of municipalities or development banks that can further advance local and regional development programs.

What advice do you have for people considering a graduate degree from the Carsey School?

The Carsey School can offer students a very welcoming environment, in which professors and staff truly care about students, their interests, and their development. Carsey is very interdisciplinary and a lot of research is done collaboratively. If students are interested in topics that relate to multiple areas, the Carsey School is probably an excellent choice.

Did you know that Julia received a graduate student award while working toward her Master in Public Policy at the Carsey School?

  Read our other article on Julia Vieira

Schedule a Meeting or Phone Call

Have questions or want to discuss if the Master in Public Policy program is right for you? Schedule a time for us to talk:
Robin Husslage, Program Manager

Have questions about admissions, tuition costs, or financial aid? 
Contact Sanjeev Sharma, Carsey Admissions & Academic Advisor

Discover the Washington, D.C., Colloquium

The Carsey School's Washington, D.C., Colloquium gives students front-row access to meetings with public policy institutions. Students learn about career paths across multiple sectors, discuss the current policy landscape, and connect with working professionals for networking and career building opportunities.