Annual Reviews


Our annual reviews provide a sampling of our work during the respective year. We hope you will see the value of our work — and engage with us to make our country and our world a better place for ourselves and generations to come.



2023 carsey annual review cover page, photo of thompson hall unh
Inside the 2023 Carsey School Annual Review

Since our last review, Carsey School's founding director Michael Ettlinger and interim director Dan Bromberg both departed. Shortly after, Carsey had good fortune to have Jess Carson, Melanie Higgins Dostie, and Michele Holt-Shannon step in as interim co-directors. And what a stellar job they've done!

Despite 2023's changes, Carsey thrived. We launched a new master's program in Global Conflict and Human Security (GCHS), published over two dozen research briefs, and saw three alumni named "Graduates of the Last Decade." Our Center for Impact Finance started a national research consortium. We graduated a record number of students and had a high number of MPA graduates. We also welcomed new colleagues and saw others move into new roles.

The search for a new director gave us a chance to reflect on and recommit to our core values. We expanded collaborations, engaged new stakeholders, and continued our policy impact work.

Access the review

  • two hands hovering around a virtual globe
    • GCHS Student Alioune Sidi Mzeirigue fights for global human rights.
    • Carsey hosts Dr. Audrey Osler, renowned human rights education expert.
    • MCD student Bienfait Polepole addresses schooling issues in Africa.
    • Changemaker Collaborative shines a light on innovative solutions.
  • statue of liberty
    • Center for Impact Finance leads research consortium.
    • Center for Social Policy in Practice partners with Couch Family Foundation.
    • New Hampshire Listens explores navigating a diverse democracy.
    • Michael Swack earns Visiting Scholar title at the Federal Reserve Bank of New York.
  • northern nh mountains highway
    • Carsey partners with UNH Survey Center and NH DES to update NH's Priority Climate Action Plan.
    • NH Listens releases guide fostering community civic health.
    • Center for Social Policy in Practice releases family needs assessment.
    • Michael Swack speaks at the "Immigrants in New Hampshire's Workforce" conference.

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