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Discover the dedicated research and impact of the Carsey School's Centers. Our distinguished teams explore a diverse range of critical issues across demography, civic health and engagement, housing, environmental issues, social policy, and more. Dive into evidence-based insights and solutions today.

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Center for Demography (CD)

At the Carsey School, we are dedicated to studying and understanding the ongoing population change in communities. Based on the latest data, the Center for Demography (CD) aims to identify the demographic forces behind this change. By analyzing demographic change and its implications, CD contributes informed policymaking for a sustainable future.

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Center for Impact Finance (CIF)

At the Carsey School, we are dedicated to playing an effective role in building a sustainable future while bringing equality to the access of capital. The Center for Impact Finance (CIF) works within communities as valued practitioners, conducting applied research to develop, design, and implement policy while addressing societal changes. 

a boy and girl eating a meal at kitchen table

Center for Social Policy in Practice (SPiP)

At the Carsey School, we are dedicated to connecting people and places to the resources needed to thrive. The Center for Social Policy in Practice (SPiP) leads Carsey's social policy research portfolio. Partnered with on-the-ground stakeholders, SPiP develops actionable plans for supporting economic growth, health, and sustainability across communities. 


New Hampshire Listens (NHL)

At the Carsey School, we are committed to driving community engagement and promoting civic health. New Hampshire Listens (NHL) leads the Carsey School's efforts in creating a connected and engaged community. The NHL team is devoted to supporting communities work together to create a sustainable democracy.

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