About the Fellowship
The Treat Fellowship program was established at the University of New Hampshire in 2018 in memory of the late New Hampshire Judge William W. Treat. The purpose of the Fellowship is to provide undergraduate students a platform for facilitating and engaging in conversations across differences.
Treat Fellows draw on an in-depth understanding of their humanity, identity (gender, race, sexual orientation, socioeconomic background, ability/disability, etc.), and personal values to promote mutual understanding, compassion, and awareness. During our program, Treat Fellows will learn to design and facilitate campus conversations, engage in complex issues of equity and justice with an open mind, and conduct meaningful conversations promoting pluralism* and community. We intentionally seek student participation across social identities and perspectives.
If you have any questions, contact
Lu Butterfield-Ferrell.
Treat Fellows design and facilitate campus conversations, work off-campus with youth leaders in area schools, and foster multi-partisan understanding with regional and state policy leaders.
Fellowship recipients receive:
- Foundational education that directly translates to desirable skills in potential careers including community engagement & organizing, government & nonprofit service, social work, education, mental & public health, human resources, and more.
- A stipend of $425 (before taxes) for active engagement in the program (approx. 2-4 hours/week, or 20 hours) with NH Listens, or $500 with student's attendance to all sessions. The stipend is provided at the end of the program.
- A UNH-issued digital badge that represents successful completion of the Fellowship.
Who Can Apply?
To be considered for a Treat Fellowship, the applicant must:
- Be an undergraduate student in good standing at the University of New Hampshire. The program runs on Wednesdays from 12:10–2:00 p.m. starting Feb. 12, 2025 – March 25, 2025 (excluding Mar. 19, 2025).
- Have a minimum GPA of 2.5 (verified through the Registrar's office).
- Attend weekly meetings (Wednesdays from 12:10–2:00 p.m.) and participate in hosting and facilitating Courageous Conversations on campus.
We intentionally seek student participation across social identities and perspectives.

Judge William Treat was born in Winterport, Maine and spent the final years of his life in Stratham, New Hampshire. He was appointed as a probate judge in New Hampshire in 1958 and served until his retirement in 1983. During his career, Judge Treat served as a leader in the New Hampshire Republican Party as well as the Republican National Committee. Reflecting his commitment to global human rights, Judge Treat was a member of the Sub-Commission on Prevention of Discrimination and Protection of Minorities at the United Nations Human Rights Centre in Geneva, Switzerland.
Judge Treat received an honorary Doctor of Laws degree from the University of Maine in 1990 and the University New Hampshire in 2001. In 1988, Plymouth State College (now Plymouth State University) awarded him the "Granite State Citizen Award" for outstanding citizenship.
Throughout his life, Judge Treat was well known for hosting dinner parties at his home that brought together guests who represented a wide range of political views. He believed deeply in the value of “cross-party” conversations where guests would listen to each other respectfully and exchange their ideas in order to better understand each other. It is this practice that is reflected in the William W. Treat Student Fellows Program at UNH. The Courageous Conversation Series will carry on Judge Treat’s legacy and encourage the practice of bridging political and other divides in order to strengthen our abilities to discuss topics critical to our democratic society.
Learn more about Judge William W. Treat’s accomplishments and his memorial at the Hampton Library.
To be considered for a Treat Fellowship, the applicant must:
- Be an undergraduate student in good standing at the University of New Hampshire. The program runs from Feb. 12, 2025 – March 25, 2025 (excluding Mar. 19, 2025).
- If selected, the candidate needs to attend weekly meetings (Wednesdays from 12:10–2:00 p.m.) and participate in hosting and facilitating meaningful conversations promoting pluralism and community on campus.
- Enrolled as a UNH student for the current Semester.
Additional Desirable Qualifications
- Willingness to prioritize this role and effectively manage time commitment to the program, including attending five (5), 2-hour sessions, and facilitating one (1) community dialogue event (self-hosted or with New Hampshire Listens).
- Interest in guiding open conversations on a range of topics.
- Ability to reflect on social identities (e.g., by race, class, ethnicity, ability, gender, sexuality, culture, and language) and how they influence life experiences.
- Dependable, good follow-through on commitments.
- Interest in deepening your understanding of yourself, others, and campus life for all