Building Skillsets for Every Day Use

Photo of Jennifer Thompson, MPA Student at the Carsey School of Public Policy

Jennifer Thompson, '02, '21G

Current position: Risk and Control Officer, HealthTrust
Previous position: Audit Manager, Visant
Carsey Degree: Master of Public Administration

"The professors are extremely knowledgeable on the content and subject matter and really great to learn from... I am also starting my public health certificate at the same time and the fact that I can finish with both a degree and a certificate in the same amount of time is an incredible opportunity."

What are some of your responsibilities in your current position?

I serve as both the internal auditor and HIPAA privacy and security officer for HealthTrust. My responsibilities encompass conducting internal audits, assisting with policy development and improvement, and ensuring that we remain HIPAA compliant. Additionally, I assist with disaster recovery and business continuity planning.

Jennifer Thompson, MPA student, with family

Jennifer Thompson with her family.

What aspect or aspects of the MPA program have you found most valuable so far?

The Art of Negotiation course so far has taught me the most. I’ve become such a better listener both in my professional and personal life. Also, understanding where my opposition is coming from in their point of view has been something I often consider when interacting with others during more tense conversations and negotiations.

What advice do you have for people considering a graduate degree from the Carsey School?

It is a very manageable program where you learn valuable information that you will use in your daily career. The professors are extremely knowledgeable on the content and subject matter and really great to learn from.

What are one or two career goals you have for yourself?

1) To lead a nonprofit or public health/governmental organization.

2) To help the organization that I currently work for to maintain strong internal controls while continually improving business processes.

Schedule a Meeting or Phone Call

Have questions or want to discuss if the Master of Public Administration program is right for you? Schedule a time for us to talk:
Dan Bromberg, Director of Academic Programs
Robin Husslage, Program Manager

Have questions about admissions, tuition costs, or financial aid? 
Contact Sanjeev Sharma, Carsey Admissions & Academic Advisor