Just Do It!

Juliana Good '20, '21G

Current position: Lead Changemaker Coach, UNH Changemaker Collaborative
Current undergraduate degree focus: Music Performance, UNH
Carsey Degree: Master in Public Policy

"In the words of Nike: Just Do It! This is an incredibly flexible, supportive, and engaging program that will translate your plans for changing the world into tangible work."


A graphic showing the unh sustainability award platinum electronic badge
Recipient of a 2021 UNH Sustainability Award: Juliana has spent their undergraduate and graduate years at UNH dedicated to the service of others through a range of involvements on and off-campus and expanding access to and inclusivity of education. As one example, Juliana worked for an organization that addressed the lack of diversity in the nation’s teaching faculties by recruiting outstanding students of color and other scholars committed to diversity, counseling them through the graduate school application process, and advocating for sufficient funding for advanced study. Learn More

What are some of your responsibilities in your current position?

I advise undergraduate students on experiential learning opportunities related to social innovation and consult entrants in the Social Venture Innovation Challenge.

  In November 2020, Juliana joined Carsey School Academic Director Dan Bromberg for a discussion about the Accelerated Master’s degree program.

Carsey School Director of Academic Programs Dan Bromberg interviews Juliana Good (they/them/theirs), a student in the Accelerated Master in Public Policy program, to discuss why Juliana chose the program and how it's preparing Juliana for a new career.

What type of capstone project are you working on or will you work on?

For my capstone, I would like to pilot the framework I am currently working on for a social enterprise that works with small businesses and communities of disabled people to create more accessible commerce communities in New Hampshire towns and cities.

Juliana Good, 2019 Spirit Award winner

What aspect or aspects of the MPP program have you found most valuable so far?

The academic and professional connections have been amazing. All of the Carsey faculty are incredibly well-connected, and I've gotten the opportunity to chat with some truly experienced and inspirational people. Faculty members such as Michael Swack and Dan Bromberg have been so giving of their time and insight, and I've learned as much outside of the classroom as I have in each course.

What are one or two career goals you have for yourself?

I would like to run my own social enterprise related to creating better accessibility outcomes for the disabled community. Any job where I am working towards increased equity for marginalized communities is a job that I will be glad to do!

Juliana Discusses the NH Social Venture Innovation Challenge

Master in Public Policy student Juliana Good has participated in several Center for Social Innovation and Enterprise/Changemaker Collaborative programs, including the New Hampshire Social Venture Innovation Challenge and the Social Innovation Internship.

Schedule a Meeting or Phone Call

Have questions or want to discuss if the Master in Public Policy program is right for you? Schedule a time for us to talk:
Robin Husslage, Program Manager

Have questions about admissions, tuition costs, or financial aid? 
Contact Sanjeev Sharma, Carsey Admissions & Academic Advisor

Learn More About the Program

The Carsey School's Washington, D.C., Colloquium gives students front-row access to meetings with public policy institutions. Students learn about career paths across multiple sectors, discuss the current policy landscape, and connect with working professionals for networking and career building opportunities.