Annual Reviews

Carsey School Annual Reviews

Our annual reviews provide a sampling of  our work during that year. We hope you will see the value of our work – and engage with us to make our country and our world a better place for ourselves and generations to come.


A photo of Michael Ettlinger, Director of the Carsey School

Dear Friends,

This will be my last Carsey School annual review director’s message as I am moving on to new adventures. The Carsey School has been an adventure. I feel great gratitude and pride for what we’ve accomplished in the eight years since our founding. There are many fine schools of public policy, many bigger than ours, and many longstanding schools with deserved longstanding reputations for excellence. Among the goliaths, the Carsey School has found its place by doing what we do very, very well.

Look at this annual review, and the ones from previous years, and you’ll get the idea. Our action-oriented research, hands-on engagement in policy-making and implementation, community building, dialogue convening, leadership, and pragmatic interventions all have a track record of making a difference in the quest for a sustainable future. 

Our students are terrific. Diverse in every dimension, they have in common the goal of making our world a better place. The approach we take in our academic programs has served to make our graduates the kind of catalysts for change that are desperately needed. If, as a global community, we are going to achieve the objectives outlined by the nations of the world in the United Nations’ sustainable development goals, it is people such as our students who are going to make it happen.

Now I’ll get a little personal. I want to thank everyone who has made this ride for me possible. The faculty and staff of the Carsey School are the reason we’re so good at what we do. I’m proud to have helped make the magic happen. It’s the faculty and staff who are at the heart of what we’ve accomplished … plus a group of supporters who recognize our value. The most notable of these is, of course, our founding supporter: Marcy Carsey. Funding, obviously, matters for faculty and staff who are leaders in their fields, experiences such as our trip to Washington, and unique methods of equipping our students with skills-based education and pipelines to the professional world. Encouragement and advice are also important. Support, in all its forms—from Marcy, the other members of our advisory board, and a community of other supporters—make what we do possible and better.

I’m as excited about what the Carsey School of Public Policy will be as I am proud of what it is and how it evolved out of the Carsey Institute that came before. The team I leave at the School is extraordinary. The finances have grown and are more secure than ever. The trajectory is up. Take a look at this year’s review, and you’ll see what I mean.

Michael Ettlinger
Carsey School of Public Policy


  • FedGovSpend Explorer App Launches
  • Michael Swack Appointed to U.S. Community Development Advisory Board
  • Eric Hangen Appointed to the EPA’s Environmental Financial Advisory Board
  • Carsey Experts Speak at Congressional Briefings on Rural America 
  • NH Listens Holds Conversations Around the State

  Download the 2022 Annual Review

Previous Annual Reviews


  • Changemaker Speaker Series Shines Light on Innovative Solutions
  • Michael Swack Appointed to U.S. Community Development Advisory Board
  • FedGovSpend Explorer App Launches
  • Senior Demographer Kenneth Johnson Reports on 2020 Census

Download the 2021 Annual Review


  • Responding to COVID-19
  • Presidential Candidates Visit Carsey
  • NH Listens Launches Race & Equity in New Hampshire Series
  • NH Commission to Study School Funding Issues Final Report

Download the 2020 Annual Review

2019 Annual Review cover rollover image

2019 Annual Review


  • Carsey Welcomes Nine Presidential Candidates to UNH
  • Carsey Staff and Faculty Make the Union Leader’s 40 Under Forty List
  • Michael Swack Recognized with Gramlich Lifetime Achievement Award

Download the 2019 Annual Review

Image showing the 2017 annual review cover

2017 Annual Review


  • Center for Impact Finance holds Federal Reserve Conference
  • NH Listens Receives Prestigious Award
  • Anna Soellner of Reddit Discusses Social Media, Politics, and Policy

Download the 2017 Annual Review

2016 Carsey School Annual Review cover

2016 Annual Review


  • Carsey Welcomes First Master in Public Policy Cohort
  • Senior Demographer Ken Johnson Receives Andrew Carnegie Fellowship
  • Carsey and Michael Swack Launch Center for Impact Finance

Download the 2016 Annual Review

Cover of the 2015 Annual Review

2015 Annual Review


  • Carsey & Paul College Partner to Launch Center on Social Innovation and Enterprise
  • Carsey Co-sponsors Clean Energy Discussion with Tom Steyer
  • NH Listens Organizes Statewide Engagement Events

Download the 2015 Annual Review

Cover photo for the 2014 Carsey School annual review

2014 Annual Review


  • Marcy Carsey Receives UNH Foundation’s Hubbard Family Award for Service to Philanthropy
  • Carsey Partners with NeighborWorks on New Training Initiative
  • Carsey and Opportunity Finance Network Launch Certificate in Community Development Finance

Download the 2014 Annual Review

Graphic showing the cover of the 5-year report

Carsey Institute 5-Year Report (2008 – 2013)


  • Carsey Hosts Brown Bag Discussion Series for Researchers
  • Carsey Spearheads Studies Into Rural America; NH North Country, Vulnerable Families, and More
  • Financial Innovations Roundtable Brings Together Lending Industry Professionals

Download the Carsey Institute 5-Year Report