Master in Public Policy (M.P.P.) Spotlight

With MPP Student Carly Prescott
"After my time working for Senator Jeanne Shaheen, I discovered a passion for New Hampshire social issues including our public education system."       ~(MPP) Student Carly Prescott — Elkins, NH
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With MPP Alum Zachary Phillips
"I wish to create an environment where our veterans are honored, respected, and taken care of by the country and her citizens."       ~(MPP) Alum Zachary Phillips — Concord, NH
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With MPP Student Stephanie McNally
"I believe an MPP would provide me the tools to work within policy approaches that better consider the diversity of the population they serve."       ~(MPP) Student Stephanie McNally — Bethesda, MD
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With MPP Student Tricia Foster
"Working in renewable resources is important to me because it's the future - there's no way to move forward without sustainable policy. And sustainable policy must include the three E's of sustainability: Equity, Environmental impact, and Economic opportunities. If we aren't considering these three…
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With MPP Alum Zoe Dawson
"I am hopeful that getting my MPP will enhance my future goals of keeping harmful policies out of law."       ~(MPP) Alum Zoe Dawson — Moultonborough, NH
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"I will leave this world in a better place than I found it."       ~Reagan Baughman
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"I strive to make the world a better place in small ways."       ~Michael Nikitas
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With Alum Elizabeth Schwaner '20, '21G (MPP)
"I am pursuing the Masters in Public Policy so that I can stop the problems at their source."       ~(MPP) Student Elizabeth Schwaner — Londonderry, NH
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With Alum Sarah Nadeau '19 '20G (MPP)
"Be eager to learn and discover what issue areas you are passionate about. Say 'Yes!' to every opportunity – you never know where it'll take you."        ~ (MPP) Alum Sarah Nadeau '19 '20G | The Washington Center (TWC) program at UNH, Class of 2019
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With Accelerated MPP Alum Meriah Metzger
"Having the experiences associated with the Accelerated Masters in Public Policy program has been really helpful in learning more about what I am interested in and how to best apply my skillset. "       ~(Accelerated MPP) Alum Meriah Metzger  — Shelburne, VT
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With MPP Student Christina Dubin
" I've become hooked on policy and am really excited to start this program and a new career path!"       ~(MPP) Student Christina Dubin — Portsmouth, NH
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Wiith Alum Faith Thompson '21G (MPP)
Education: I did my undergrad at UNH and I was a dual major in History and Justice Studies with minors in Sociology and Forensics. Why did you decide to pursue a Masters in Public Policy? I was originally interested in law school with the intention of going into immigration law but after…
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