Carsey Alumni

With Alum Jyothi Narayan '21G (MCD)
"I want to help women become self-sufficient and financially independent."       ~(MCD) Alum Jyothi Narayan — Philadelphia, PA
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With Alum Grace Martino '21G (MCD)
"I think I have become more aware and equipped to care and serve my community better. "       ~(MCD) Alum Grace Martino — Niantic, CT Position: Ministries Assistant at the Cooperative Baptist Fellowship, Assistant at Together for Hope, and Intern at the Association of Hispanic Theological…
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With MCD Alum Kadry Furany '21G (MCD)
"I am thrilled to be back to classes after about 10 years! I am very happy to meet you all and learn from each and every classmate and from our distinguished professors."       ~(MCD) Alum Kadry Furany — Ottawa, ON
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With Alum Jordyn Kafka '20G (MPP)
"I found [the Washington, D.C., Colloquium] to be the most valuable aspect of the program because I got to apply classroom skills to the real world of policymaking."       ~(MPP) Alum Jordyn Kafka '19, '20G
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With Alum Julia Vieira '19G (MPP)
"Carsey can offer students a very welcoming environment, in which professors and staff truly care about students, their interests, and their development."        ~(MPP) Alum Julia Vieira '19G
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With Alum Brent Lemire '04G (MPA)
"The interaction with other student professionals was invaluable. I was older and had been in government for over 30 years and was able to offer a different perspective. After I retired from my first job, I went on to utilize my MPA as a Town Administrator for Northwood, NH, for four years."     ~(…
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With Alum Juliana Good '20 '21G (MPP)
"In the words of Nike: Just Do It! This is an incredibly flexible, supportive, and engaging program that will translate your plans for changing the world into tangible work."        ~(MPP) student Juliana Good '20, '21G
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With Alum Maureen Beauregard '20G (MCD)
Join Michael Swack, Director of the Community Development program at the Carsey School, and Master in Community Development (MCD) alum Maureen Beauregard ('20G) to learn about the MCD degree. In this 30-minute webinar, you'll discover how you can complete this 14-month master’s program while…
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With Alum Kathryn Mone '07G (MPA)
Congratulations to Kathryn Mone '07G, who was recently named to the Union Leader's 40 Under Forty list for 2020. An MPA graduate, Mone heads the North Hampton Police Department as Police Chief.
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With Alum Sarah Wrightsman '15, '17G (MPP)
"Since graduating from the Carsey School in 2017, my career goal has been to work at New Hampshire Housing! Now that I’m there, I am excited to work with communities across the state to help them better understand how they can help to solve the state’s housing crisis and engage them in…
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With Alum Tyler Mac Innis '12G (MCD)
"What this program does best is it prepares students to be able to recognize where problems actually exist." ~(MCD) alumni Tyler Mac Innis '12G
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With Alum Hannah MacBride '07, '13G (MCD) & Marisa Rafal '19, '20G (MPP)
The annual NH Social Venture Innovation Challenge serves as an important platform for UNH System students and alumni, as well as New Hampshire residents, to promote their business and nonprofit ideas to some of…
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