Carsey Alumni

With Alumni Jessica Amato '19G (MCD) & Parker LaRock '15, '20G (MCD)
"If you told me 5 years ago that I would be making a positive impact on UNH and implementing change that would last, I wouldn’t have believed it…this program really does help empower you to make real positive change."       ~(MCD) Alum Parker LaRock, '15, '20G
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With Alum Hayley Collins '14G (MCD)
"The master’s program provides an incredible opportunity to focus academic efforts on a topic that engages the student and supports direct benefits to the community."        ~(MCD) Alum Hayley Collins '14G
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With Alum Justin Klingler '18, '19G (MPP)
In summer 2018, Justin Klingler '18 '19G spent nine weeks interning at the Community Development Finance Authority connecting his classroom lessons to real world applications. As an accelerated master’s in public policy major,…
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With Alum Sarah Wrightsman '15, '17G (MPP)
Congratulations to Master in Public Policy graduate Sarah Wrightsman '15, '17G, who was named to the New Hampshire Union Leader's 40 Under Forty list for 2020.
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With Alum Charlene Higgins '14, '18G (MCD)
While crops are grown, community and collaboration roots are developed for new Americans at the New American Farmers Cooperative in Manchester, N.H. Charlene Higgins '14, '18G helped this…
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With Alum Carina DeBarcelos '19G (MPP)
Carina DeBarcelos '19G made the most of her graduate student experience at UNH, and her almost two years on campus ended with one more achievement: The Distinguished Wildcat Award, which she received from the Graduate Student Senate…
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With Alum Kennedy Nickerson '16, '17G (MPP)
"I’ve always been passionate about combatting inequality. While you may not intuitively see the connection, energy costs and climate change both severely exacerbate inequality by disproportionately impacting women and people of color. By helping private companies deploy more clean energy…
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With Alum Brittany Weaver Matthews '10, '15G (MPA)
"The MPA gave me a deeper understanding of not only how public policy was developed, but how those policies are implemented, and provided me with necessary tools to avoid unintended consequences and understand what may be needed to make policy improvements."       ~ Alum Brittany Weaver Matthews…
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With Alum Robert Richard-Snipes '21G (MCD)
"Strengthening familial bonds, building closer community ties, and educating those along the way is what I strive to do in my day-to-day work."       ~(MCD) Alum Robert Richard-Snipes '16, '21G — Norfolk, VA
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With Alum Elizabeth Schwaner '20, '21G (MPP)
"I am pursuing the Masters in Public Policy so that I can stop the problems at their source."       ~(MPP) Student Elizabeth Schwaner — Londonderry, NH
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With Alum Parker LaRock '20G (MCD)
"Through this program and the support of my peers and professors, I was able to design, create and implement a community development project based on my passion for mental health."        ~(MCD) Alum Parker LaRock '20G
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With Alum Ali Sekou '19G (MCD)
Carsey School of Public Policy alumni Ali Sekou '19G – a graduate of the Master in Community Development program – was recently named to the New Hampshire Union Leader's 40 Under Forty list. An immigrant of Niger, Sekou lives and works in Concord, New Hampshire.
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