Faculty Directory
Professor, John A. Hogan Distinguished Professor of Economics, UNH Paul College of Business and Economics
Carsey School Program FacultyEmail: Reagan.Baughman@unh.eduPhone: (603) 862-0800 -
Executive Director, North American Family Institute North
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Director of the Center for Non-Profit Management, Stonehill College
Carsey School Program FacultyEmail: lgfarrow@gmail.com -
Consultant, Knowles Consulting LLC
Carsey School Program FacultyEmail: tmknowles@comcast.netPhone: 603-491-2054 -
Director, Office of Organization Development and Training Services, NH Department of Health and Human Services
Carsey School Program FacultyEmail: virginia.lever@unh.edu -
Executive Director, HousingNOLA
Carsey School Program FacultyEmail: andreanecia@gmail.com -
Director, Nikitas Communications
Carsey School Program Faculty -
Department Chair and Professor, School for Workers, University of Wisconsin-Madison
Carsey School Program FacultyEmail: donald.taylor@unh.eduPhone: (603) 731-3133 -
Senior Advisor, Department of Justice
Carsey School Program Faculty -
Carsey School Program Faculty