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New Futures: Community Conversations on Drugs and Alcohol
June 30, 2014
In February and March of 2014, residents from across the state of New Hampshire gathered to discuss issues related to substance use and addiction in the Granite State. Fifteen groups met in nine regions of the state including Berlin, Derry, Keene, Laconia, Lebanon, Manchester, Nashua, Rochester, and Portsmouth. In addition, a conversation with business leaders about substance use in New Hampshire…
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All Walks of Life: A Statewide Conversation on Mental Health
April 23, 2014
On November 14th, 2013, a consortium of organizations and interests sponsored All Walks of Life: A Statewide Conversation on Mental Health and Substance Abuse. Over 300 New Hampshire residents met in six different locations across the state to talk about their priorities, concerns, and ideas regarding mental health and substance abuse in New Hampshire. At the outset, the goals of this…
Image of a person on a bike
Transport NH: Going Places
April 23, 2013
The purpose of the Going Places deliberations was to engage people in a constructive conversation about the transportation system in New Hampshire and begin to identify priorities and key areas for improvements. What follows is a detailed description of the process, outcomes of the conversations, and an analysis of all small group reports that identify areas for further consideration and action…
Image of Granite State Future Logo
Granite State Future: Regional Themes
April 5, 2013
This executive summary provides an overview of the process and results of an extended public engagement process conducted by New Hampshire Listens of the Carsey Institute at the University of New Hampshire and the University of New Hampshire Cooperative Extension, on behalf of the nine Regional Planning Commissions (RPCs) in New Hampshire. The work was carried out under contract with the Nashua…
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NH Outdoor Recreation Report
December 11, 2011
The goal of these community conversations was to create an opportunity for citizens to share their thoughts on the challenges, opportunities, issues, and needs relating to local and state outdoor recreation. Special emphasis was placed on hearing citizen’s views about unmet needs and innovative approaches to meeting those needs. While the community conversations were open to all, additional…
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Pembroke Listens: What considerations are most important to the Pembroke Hill Road intersection?
February 15, 2012
The goal of these community conversations was to create an opportunity for citizens to share their thoughts on the challenges, opportunities, issues, and needs relating to changes to an intersection with a history of accidents and assessments for change. An emphasis was placed on hearing citizen's views about unmet needs and innovative approaches to meeting those needs. The community…
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Pittsfield Listens: Strong Schools, Strong Community
January 15, 2011
In December of 2010, the Pittsfield School District received a one-year planning grant from the Nellie Mae Education Foundation to support the transformation of our middle high school from a traditional school to a student-centered learning environment. The School District has recognized that the Pittsfield Schools, particularly the Middle High School, need to improve learning outcomes for all…
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What's At Stake?: Community Conversations on the Benefits and Risks of Expanded Gambling in New Hampshire
April 20, 2010
The two primary goals for the What’s At Stake project were to: gather broad citizen input to inform the policy question of whether or not to expand legalized gambling in NH (on behalf of the Governor‘s Commission) and demonstrate a different way of soliciting such input, beyond the traditional forms of public hearings and opinion polls (recognizing that both play an important role in the policy-…