NH Listens logo, male holding sign

The Carsey School of Public Policy hosted Michele Holt-Shannon and Dr. Carrie Portrie of NH Listens to speak about how their organization works, to offer local strategies for contentious times, and to provide tips on how to stick with difficult conversations. Recording and link to presentation are listed below!

Resources from our Sept. 1 talk:

NH Listens Powerpoint Presentation


Michele Holt-Shannon, Director and Co-founder of the NH Listens

A headshot of Michele Holt-Shannon for the No Time to Talk event

Michele Holt-Shannon is director and co-founder for New Hampshire Listens at the UNH Carsey School of Public Policy. Her work on and off campus is focused on inclusive civic engagement, community problem-solving, and building coalitions for community initiated change efforts. She joined Carsey in 2011 to focus on process design to ensure fair, inclusive, and informed outcomes for local and statewide projects. She works to bring people together across perspectives and backgrounds to solve problems and create equitable solutions for their communities. READ MORE




Carrie Portrie, Program Manager, NH Listens

Carrie Porter infront of trees

Dr. Carrie Portrie is a program manager and fellow for New Hampshire Listens at the Carsey School of Public Policy. She holds a bachelor’s degree in anthropology and sociology from Roger Williams University, a master’s degree from the University of New Hampshire (UNH) in early childhood special education, and a PhD from UNH in education with a focus on children and youth in communities. She is also an AmeriCorps alumni, completing two terms of service building and maintaining hiking trails in Montana and then in the foothills of the Cascades in Washington state. READ MORE




Watch the Recording