"No matter where life leads you, take the time to make a positive contribution to society."
~ Terry Knowles
What is your current research/professional interest? The nonprofit sector and Negotiation skills
In the course(s) that you teach, what are the typical aspects of the student’s coursework you evaluate and what weighting do you give each aspect?
- » 45% for papers and projects
- » 40% for examinations
- » 15% class participation
- » 15% class participation
What drove you to teaching? Nothing "drove" me to teaching. It is something I have always enjoyed.
What or who inspires you? My students.
When you were a student, what is one thing you wish you had known? How quickly the world would change.
What advice do you have for your students? No matter where life leads you, take the time to make a positive contribution to society.
What is the most recent book you read? Caste by Isabel Wilkerson
How do you spend your free time? Serving on nonprofit boards, visiting friends and family, and traveling.
What is your greatest passion – professional or personal? My family and my friends.