Carsey Policy Hour: Finding Common Ground — Suicide Prevention & Gun Rights

Wednesday, February 14, 2024 - 8 a.m. to 9 a.m.



In Utah and two other states, a voluntary ‘do-not-sell list’ allows individuals who feel they may be a future risk to themselves or others to voluntarily, temporarily, and confidentially suspend their own ability to buy a firearm. Join us to hear Morissa Henn, Deputy Commissioner at the NH Department of Health and Human Services, reflect on her prior role in Utah working with a coalition of policymakers, gun rights advocates, and public health leaders to make Utah one of the first states to offer this type of voluntary ‘do-not-sell list’— to help prevent suicide and build momentum for ongoing policy efforts built on trust and common goals between gun owners and non-gun-owners. Following her presentation, NH Representative David Meuse will overview HB 1050-FN, a bill introduced in the 2024 legislative session that would establish a voluntary ‘do-not-sell list’ in New Hampshire. 

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Bailey Schott