Peace Corps to Carsey: Build on your Public Service with a Master’s Degree!

Thursday, September 23, 2021 - 5:30pm to 6:00pm


2022 Under the Vines Field Day

Interested in growing delicious table grapes or colorful hydrangeas, or learning about the possibilities of a new Northeast market for the unique kiwiberry?

On Friday, Sept. 16, join scientists from the New Hampshire Agricultural Experiment Station at UNH’s Woodman Horticultural Research Farm in a discussion on their current research and plant breeding activities. This event is free and open to the public. Current and future commercial growers, nursey owners, and value-added producers are encouraged to attend. At the event, NHAES researchers Becky Sideman, an extension professor of sustainable horticulture production, and Iago Hale, an associate professor of specialty crop improvement, will discuss their studies taking place at Woodman Farm.

Sideman will lead a walking tour and Q&A on her research with seedless table grapes and hydrangeas, grown to support local markets for fresh fruit and cut flowers. Attendees will tour the grape vineyard and hydrangea plantings, learn about the latest research and information about both crops, get to taste test the different grape varieties and have an opportunity to ask questions. Hale will discuss his kiwiberry research and breeding program, established in 2013. As the only U.S. public breeding program for this emerging high-value crop, Hale’s research aims to grow kiwiberry production in the region by developing economically viable varieties and establishing best management practices. Attendees will be able to tour the kiwiberry vineyard, learn about research updates, and ask questions.

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Carsey School of Public Policy