Human Resource Management in Public and Nonprofit Sectors

Human Resource Management in Public and Nonprofit Sectors
Photo of students sitting in a lecture listening to a course on human resource management

October 13 — December 8, 2020

Enrollment Deadline: Oct. 8

This graduate-level, 3-credit online course is offered in an 8-week class session and includes the examination of the administration, politics, and strategies of effective public human resource management.

Public human resource management (PHRM) can be thought of as the strategic management of governmental personnel to improve organizational performance. Using this definition as a starting point, the purpose of this course is to familiarize students with a broad range of human resources functions, responsibilities, and expectations associated with the management of personnel within governmental and non-profit agencies.

Topics discussed in this course include the historical evolution of public personnel management and civil service; the major legal requirements of the public sector HR function; labor relations, unions and collective bargaining; workforce diversity and equity; position classification and analysis; employee performance management and compensation; recruitment and selection; and strategic human resource management and HR planning.

To register for Continuing Education classes, call (603-862-1500) or email ( the UNH Registrar's Office. They will assist you with registering for the course. See more registration directions below.

Course: Human Resource Management in Public and Non-Profit Sectors, PA 813 (1ON), earn 3 graduate-level course credits which can be applied to any Carsey graduate degree program.

Dates: October 13 — December 28, 2020

Delivery: This course is offered as an online program — hours of instruction will be arranged.

Textbook: Human Resources Management for Public and Nonprofit Organizations: A Strategic Approach, Pynes, Joan. E. (2013), 4th Edition. Jossey-Bass.

Pre-Requisites: Bachelor's Degree – Note: while a transcript submission is not required, you will need to have earned a bachelor’s degree to enroll in graduate level course to earn academic credit. If you do not have a bachelor’s degree, contact and attach your resume. People working in the field can request a waiver of the bachelor’s degree requirement.

Cost: NH residents $1711; Non-residents $1876 (cost includes: tuition, $20 registration fee, $15 Student Services Fee, and $26 technology fee)

Registration: To register, call (603-862-1500) or email ( the UNH Registrar's Office. They will assist you with registering for the course (note that you will need to provide your undergraduate transcripts). For details about registering as a Continuing Education student, please visit the Continuing Education webpage.

The registration deadline is October 8, 2020.

Photo of Donald Taylor, instructor of MPA courses at the Carsey School

Donald Taylor has worked as an organizer, representative, negotiator, business agent, communications director, and education director for unions such as the United Electrical, Radio and Machine Workers (UE), the hotel workers union (HERE), and the Service Employees' international Union (SEIU). He has also taught labor and employment relations at the University of New Hampshire, the University of Illinois, and Indiana University, and has served as a shop steward and local union president. He has extensive experience in union leadership development, internal organizing, strategic planning, and building organizational capacity, as well as in online education. He is a nationally recognized expert on the constitutional rights of public employees, and developed the website


  • M.A. Political Science (1993), University of New Hampshire Concentrations in Political Economy and International Relations
  • B.A. History (1990), University of New Hampshire Concentration in United States history; Minors in Education and Political Science

Fields of Specialization and Teaching:

  • Public Sector Labor Relations
  • Labor and Employment Law
  • Union Leadership and Administration
  • Organizational Development and Change
  • Strategic Planning
  • Political Economy

Professional Certifications:

  • Human Resources Certificate, Madison College, 2019
  • Change Leadership Certificate, Cornell University, 2015
  • Professional Trainer Certificate, American Society for Training and Development — NH, 2007

Registration Deadline: Thursday, October 8, 2020

Space for this course is limited and enrollments will be accepted until the course fills.

Questions? Please email Dan Bromberg,

Course Instructor

Photo of Donald Taylor, instructor of MPA courses at the Carsey School

Donald Taylor
Professor, Department of Labor Education, University of Wisconsin-Madison