Vilmarie Sanchez is a past fellow with New Hampshire Listens. She received her Ph.D. from the Department of Education at the University of New Hampshire. She maintains a strong research interest in examining preservice teachers’ beliefs about linguistic diversity as they experience and prepare for the varied contexts they are sure to encounter in different communities (schools, workplace, neighborhoods, etc.). She previously co-designed and co-taught an undergraduate course with Bruce Mallory, deeply appreciating the experience of teaching first year students facilitated dialogue. Other undergraduate courses she has cherished teaching encompass topics such as poverty and linguistic diversity. Recently, Vilmarie served as Assistant Project Manager for a federal grant awarded to UNH that prepares mainstream teachers for NH ESOL certification. In past years she provided summer program support to NH Listens. As a resident of southern New Hampshire for 18 years, Vilmarie and her husband enjoy the quality of life the Seacoast area offers their family which includes a son and a lab-mix by the name of Kevin.