New Hampshire Listens' Basic Facilitator Training is an introductory training for tips and practice on key facilitator concepts for facilitating online and in person, including drawing people in, managing productive conversations, and strengthening your skills as a facilitator.
We also offer Advanced Facilitator Training designed to enhance confidence to remain neutral, productively address issues, and encourage and move the conversation in a constructive manner.
Upcoming Facilitator Training Sessions
Prior to any online sessions, you'll want to download and test the Zoom software. Please contact Carrie Portrie with any questions regarding these sessions.
Nothing scheduled – Stay Tuned!
Basic Facilitator Training
Feb 12 | 12 pm | Online
NH Listens' online Basic Facilitator Training provides an overall glimpse into facilitating public engagement. It is an introductory training for tips and practices on key facilitator concepts for facilitating online and in person, including drawing people in, managing productive conversations, and strengthening your skills as a facilitator.
We welcome everyone no matter how little or how much you know about facilitation. We love it when there is a mix because it always makes for engaging discussion throughout our time together!
Advanced Facilitator Training
Mar 12 | 12 pm | Online
Apr 19 | 9:30 am | Manchester Community College
NH Listens' online Advanced Facilitator Training focuses on those difficult moments when people are in dialogue across significant differences. Many people are often trained to remain "neutral" when serving as facilitators for public engagement and community dialogues. However, that doesn't mean facilitators should remain passive in the face of misunderstandings and harmful dynamics. We focus on self-reflection, centering equity, and building confidence to address issues and facilitate constructive conversation among community members using a multipartial approach.