Partner Organizations

  • people in a meeting, making a deal

We are grateful to all our project and funding partners who have believed in the mission of New Hampshire Listens and provided both material and strategic support for our efforts.

Annually, we receive 20-40 substantial and modest grants, contracts, and gifts from nonprofit organizations, community coalitions, municipal governments, and state agencies.

New Hampshire Listens is also a proud anchor partner with Everyday Democracy, a national organization supporting everyday people working to strengthen local democracies through dialogue, engagement, and action with a racial equity lens. NH Listens has been an anchor partner with Everyday Democracy since 2015.

Since our beginning, we have received support from:

nh charitable foundation


endownment for health logo


nellie mae education foundation logo


"William W Treat Foundation" text


All our work is in partnership – we are grateful to our partners past, present, and future!

We’re proud to partner with local, regional, and national groups on every project all aimed at our mission to help New Hampshire residents talk and act together to create communities that work for everyone. Below, you will find our partner organizations listed. We encourage you to explore the websites of these different organizations and agencies and see what they’re all about.

Partner Spotlights

  • Square slider image for Everyday Democracy

    Everyday Democracy offers blueprints and playbooks for community change. The nonprofit is a national leader in the use of dialogue and deliberation aimed at encouraging and creating a more equitable democracy. NH Listens was the first Anchor Partner named by Everyday Democracy. Learn More

  • Logo for the National Equity Project

    The National Equity Project focuses on providing leadership and systems change for organizations and on creating more people-focused leaders and humanized institutions. Their mission is to “transform the experiences, outcomes, and life options for children and families who have been historically underserved by our institutions and systems.” Learn More