School Funding Commission Update 4-13

Commission Planning to Resume April 20

Dave Luneau

The School Funding Commission meetings have been on hold since the legislative shut down and hopefully will resume on April 20 following guidance from House and Senate leadership -- follow this space for meeting notices and agendas. But a lot is happening based on meetings from early this year. The commission has contracted with the UNH Carsey School for logistics, communications, research/analysis and other services, an RFP has been sent to consultants who have a track record advising state education funding policy, and the commission has divided into three workgroups to focus on 1) adequacy and distribution, 2) fiscal policy and resources, and 3) public engagement. The commission website has a full calendar with agendas/minutes of past meetings and access to reports and resources provided to the members. Visit This is a very dynamic site with a tons of school funding resources.
