Chris Dwyer

M. Christine Dwyer (Chris) is co-owner of RMC Research, a national firm that provides consultation and conducts research and evaluation in education, prevention, arts and culture, community engagement, and media. Her particular areas of expertise include early childhood education, literacy, family engagement, school improvement, and evaluation in arts and culture. At the beginning of her career, Dwyer taught in early learning and elementary school settings in New Hampshire’s North Country. She recently concluded her seventh term as an elected Portsmouth City Councilor; accomplishments during her tenure on the Council included serving as co-chair of the Joint Building Committee for the renovation of Portsmouth’s Middle School, serving as a Board member of the NH Municipal Association, chairing the redesign of Prescott Park, and heading up fundraising efforts for the African Burying Ground. Dwyer has been active in leadership roles with leading NH nonprofits including the Currier Museum of Art, Portsmouth Music Hall, NH State Council on the Arts, and the UNH Foundation Board.