CIF-Inclusiv Green and Solar Lending

Training & Technical Assistance Program
A photo of a solar installation on a home with a city in the background

The Center for Impact Finance (CIF) at the University of New Hampshire's Carsey School of Public Policy and the Inclusiv Center for Resiliency and Clean Energy have partnered to provide the Green and Solar Lending Training & Technical Assistance program for community lending institutions (CDFI loan funds, credit unions, MDI and CDFI banks, green banks). Participants learn and apply technical skills to rapidly launch and grow green loan products. Since 2020, over 750 lenders from over 380 community-based financial institutions across the country have participated.

"the content and information were relevant, understandable, and full of available resources... The instructors were available [and] highly competent." - Terry Gearheart, VP Lending, Neighborhood Finance Corporation

Graduates of the instructor-led training courses earn a Green and Solar Lending Certificate and digital badge from UNH and Inclusiv and may also earn UNH course credit towards a Master in Community Development degree. They receive technical assistance through in-depth alumni workshops, customized resources, and an online learning community. The Green Solar Lending Training & Technical Assistance program was created through the generous support of the U.S. Department of Energy Solar Energy Technologies Office (SETO) and the Wells Fargo Foundation.

Submit this short, free online application to be informed when course dates are released to join our rolling list of applicants.

Instructor-Led Courses

  • Multifamily Clean Energy Lending
    Q1 - 2025, April 2025
    Register Here

  • Green Home Consumer Lending
    New Q3-Q4 2025 dates to be announced.

  • Commercial Solar Lending
    New 2025 dates to be announced.
    Previously on Thursdays from 4-5:30 pm ET.

Self-Paced Courses

Applications for 2025 are being received on a rolling basis and participants are encouraged to apply now.

  • Participants should be able to dedicate 6-10 hours per week for the duration of the course to develop a new loan product and prepare for a successful deployment.
  • Participants should be current employees at community lenders and looking to build a loan product for that institution. These courses should not be taken as general professional development.
  • Participants should have at least 1 year of lending experience (1 year of commercial lending or commercial real estate for the Commercial Solar Lending courses).
  • Participants should have basic proficiency in Excel or equivalent spreadsheet software.
  • For Commercial Solar Lending, participants' institutions must have an existing commercial/business loan program.
  • For Green Home Consumer Lending, participants' institutions must have an existing consumer loan or residential mortgage program.
  • For Multifamily Clean Energy Lending, participants' institutions must have prior experience in multifamily lending. Institutions should plan to bring a 2-person team.
  • Participants should be based in/work for a U.S. organization (including U.S. territories).
  • For grant reporting purposes, participants will be asked to share new loan and product information with UNH and Inclusiv on a quarterly basis for 2 years after course completion.

Our instructor-led training courses are offered to small cohorts of community-based lenders with high potential to develop new solar and green lending products, collaborate with partners to provide solar and green financing, and/or deploy new loans or investments. Participants will:

  • Access engaging videos, reference materials, facilitated online discussion, and expert webinars focused on practitioner needs.
  • Earn a Solar or Green Lending Professional Certificate issued through UNH and Inclusiv upon successful course completion.
  • Continue with technical assistance after course completion in the form of in-depth alumni workshops, customized resources, and an online learning community.

Registration for instructor-led courses is $3,900 for the first participant, and $3,500 for the second participant from the same organization. Financial aid may be available.

We are also working with select Greenhouse Gas Reduction Fund awardees to design training programs for the community lenders that they select to receive financial and technical assistance.

What people are saying:

  • white block

    The content and information were relevant, understandable, and full of available resources. I have a much better understanding of how solar works which will allow us to have better communication with customers and providers. Additionally, it will help with discussions together with city, county, and other agency decision-makers. The instructors were available, highly competent and I'm fortunate to have been a participant. Looking forward to seeing content and sharing ideas in the Alumni network.

    Terry Gearheart, Vice President of Lending
    Neighborhood Finance Corporation

  • white block

    Neda, Cheryl, Hannah, & Laurie were all absolutely amazing, and I really appreciate the opportunity to take part. As I shared in class, having completed this course, I am confident in moving forward with our solar loan product. This class challenged us to take a deeper & eco-friendlier look into serving our community.

    Artina Blackmon, Senior Vice Preside of Programs & Community Development
    People's Trust Community Loan Fund

  • white block

    We have been given great knowledge through this course. All moderators and students really gave all they had to the program, and I learned so much from everyone. We are moving in the rght direction at JFFCU. We will take what we learned and get action moving in the right direction thanks to this class.

    Michelle Cooper, Senior Loan Officer
    Jefferson Financial Federal Credit Union

  • white block

    Thank you again for this course – it's been amazing and I learned so much.

    Carla Eaton, Business Development Officer
    Travis Credit Union

  • white block

    I can't thank you enough for the opportunity to participate in the Green Home Lending program. It was absolutely fantastic. It came highly recommended by other team members, and it didn't disappoint. It is a lot of work but all the materials presented were relevant and I feel that I wouldn't have learned as much if it was not as comprehensive. I loved it...every banker interested in climate finance should participate.

    Marcio deOliveira, Chief Technology Officer and Chief Digital Banking Officer
    Climate First Bank

For more information contact CIF-Inclusiv.